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Rebuilding Information

Did you know about our Parts Rebuilding Departments?

What vehicle parts do we cover?
Automatic Transmissions Manual Transmissions Engines Steering Racks Steering Pumps
Switches Door Actuators Alternators Starter Motors Alloy Wheels

At Advanced for Ford & Holden there are many mechanical and electrical vehicle parts that we check, test, inspect and in some cases rebuild so that you could end up with a vehicle part that is better priced than new and more reliable than just second hand.
We have qualified mechanical technicians who are responsible for checking, testing, inspecting and rebuilding many different Ford & Holden vehicle parts for mechanical and electrical systems. That makes us confident in the performance of each unit that we offer for sale.
Fitting a new part, if you can get one, can often be far too expensive, however using and fitting a second hand unit without knowing the performance history could also be expensive later down the track.
We think there is a better way….
At Advanced for Ford & Holden our checked, tested, inspected and in some cases rebuilt parts for mechanical and electrical systems offer you a real effective alternative in getting a vehicle up and running again.
Remember that these systems are warrantied and ready to go.
When you purchase from Advanced for Ford & Holden you’ll purchase a quality unit that’s affordable, reliable and carries one of New Zealand’s best warranties.
Some automotive dismantlers or wreckers sell second hand parts without any real knowledge of their performance history. There is a real risk in selling second hand parts that are simply unbolted and sold without proper testing and checking.
In some cases this approach often can cost you more.
If you’re looking for a Ford or Holden vehicle parts or components then your love what we have and the pricing and warranties on these units makes them very competitive.
We work hard to cover as many models for Ford & Holden vehicles as we can.
We often say, start with the right part, so call one of our experienced Ford & Holden parts specialists on the dedicated Capricorn phone 0800 860 666 and we will work with you to help find what your looking for.
Our Exchange Vehicle Part System and how it works.

Many, but not all of our Ford & Holden vehicle parts are sold to our customers on an exchange basis. We sell you our warrantied Ford or Holden vehicle part and we get back your old part even if it’s faulty or broken.

We will tell you at the point of sale if we require your old part as an Exchange. This is one way we can help keep the cost of vehicle parts to a minimum and off set the total price of some of those more expensive vehicle parts.

Often the part that is returned to us is rebuilt or parts used from the returned part to rebuild another part.

Just remember that we organize the freight back and cover the cost of the return once you confirm by telling us that the part is ready to go. We then get our freight company to return the part to Advanced for Ford & Holden to possibly begin the next chapter in its life-cycle. We think this the ultimate in recycling. Thanks for playing your part.


Parts Connection
Capricorn Preferred Supplier
Automotive Recyclers Association


0800 777 525
11 Honan Place,
Avondale, Auckland 1026
8:00 am - 5:00 pm